
How psychological games can sabotage your relationship

Have you ever had the impression that the arguments with your partner seem to inevitably end in the same unproductive way? Have you ever wondered how arguments start and why they seem to follow the same pattern?This may be because we have the tendency to take particular roles in the couple when it comes [...]

Feel like a fraud? Coping with the impostor syndrome

Feel like a fraud? Coping with the impostor syndrome"Everyone knows that I am a fake, that I really don’t deserve what I’ve achieved."This is the characteristic automatic thought of someone experiencing the impostor syndrome, which is the attribution of your success to other factors, such as luck, thus discounting your own abilities.Nobel Laureate Maya Angelou [...]

Attention training: how to save your relationships

Our attention, by nature, pushes us to focus more on the negative than on the positive. Research by psychologist Roy Baumeister has shown that, in interactions with others, we pay more attention to what we don't like or what the person did wrong, instead of on what the person did well and what we actually [...]

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